KFAS: Fanuc CNC Parts, Service, & Repair
Fanuc Series 16i/ 18i Troubleshooting Information/ Procedures/ Alarms
Fanuc 16i/ 18i Maintenance Manual: B-63005E
How to replace control cooling fan: LCD mounted type Stand-alone type
Watch video on how to replace cooling fan
LCD Back light replacement information
CRT Blank (Nothing is displayed on the CRT)
Alarm List and Description
Absolute Pulse Coder (APC) Alarms (Alarm 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 301 to 305 Alarm 306 to 308
Serial Pulse Coder (SPC) Alarms (Alarm 350, 351)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 350 Alarm 351
Servo Alarms (Alarm 400, 401, 404, 405, 407, 409, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 400 Alarm 401 Alarm 404 and 405
Alarm 410 Alarm 411 Alarm 414 (with A06B-6066-Hxxx servo)
Alarm 414 (with A06B-6096-Hxxx servo)
Over travel alarms (Alarm 500, 501, 502, 503,, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511)
Overheat alarms (Alarm 700, 701, 704)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 700, 701 How to replace control cooling fan
Serial Spindle Alarms (Alarm 749, 750, 751, 752, 754, 761, 762, 764, 771, 772, 774)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 749 Alarm 750 Alarm 751 and 761
(with A06B-6088-Hxxx spindle unit)
(With A06B-6064, 6063 spindle unit)
System Alarms (Alarm 900, 914, 915, 916, 920, 922, 924, 930, 950, 951, 972, 973, 974, 975)
Troubleshooting Steps Alarm 900 Alarm 914, 915 Alarm 916 Alarm 920, 922
Alarm 924 Alarm 930 Alarm 950 Alarm 951
Other useful Fanuc 16/18 Manuals
63002EN Description Manual
63003ENC Hardware Connection