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Fanuc Spindle, Servo Amplifier and Power Supply Module
advantages include
The energy efficient solution with power source regeneration and low loss power
• Modular structure with αiPS-B (power supply), αiSP-B (spindle
amplifier), and αiSV-B (servo amplifier)
• Compact amplifier unit for 1 spindle & 3 axes
• Built-in Leakage Detection function
• Safe Torque Off function in servo and spindle amplifier
• Quick maintenance by circuit board and fan replacement without disassembly
• 75/100kW spindle amplifier (400V) with high-efficiency SIC (silicon carbide)
power circuit available
• Various power supply modules αiPSs-B with sinusoidal input –
stabilized DC link
• SSM modules for voltage protection of spindle and servo amplifier
Servo amplifier module (SVM)
The servo amplifier module (SVM) is used to drive servo motors.
An SVM is selected according to the servo motor(s) connected to the SVM.
There are two types of servo amplifier module,
<1> Servo amplifier module (SVM) This module drives a servo motor of the
200-V input series.
Modules for one axis, two axes, and three axes are available.
<2> Servo amplifier module (SVM-HV) This module drives a servo motor of
the 400-V input series.
Modules for one axis and two axes are available.
SVM x - x / x / x HV i
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
(A) Model name: SVM = Servo amplifier module
(B) Number of axes: 1 = One-axis amplifier, 2 = Two-axis amplifier, 3=Three-axis
(C) L-axis maximum output current value [peak]
(D) M-axis maximum output current value [peak]
(E) N-axis maximum output current value [peak]
(F) For an amplifier supporting 400-V input, "HV" is added.
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KFASLLC Houston, Texas, USA