KFAS: Fanuc CNC Parts, Service, & Repair

  Phone: (281) 769-2671F

E-mail:  service@kfasllc.com

Fanuc Series 0T/ 0M Troubleshooting Information/ Procedures/ Alarms

Fanuc 0TC/ 0MC Maintenance Manual: B-61395E

Fanuc 0TD/ 0MD Maintenance Manual: B-62545E

  Alarm List and Description

Absolute Pulse Coder (APC) Alarms: Alarm 3n0 through 3n7 (n = 1 - 8)

Troubleshooting Steps

Alarm 3n0 (n = 1 to 8): Request for reference position return

Alarm 3n1 to 3n6: Absolute Pulse Coder is faulty

Alarm 3n7, 3n8: Absolute Pulse Coder Battery is low

Alarm 3n9: Serial Pulse Coder is abnormal


Servo Alarms: Alarm 400 through 495

Alarm 408: Serial Spindle link does not start normally

Alarm 409: Serial Spindle Alarm


Over travel Alarms 5n0 through 5n5, 520, 590, 591, 592, 593


System Alarm: 910 through 916, 920, 921, 922, 930, 940, 941, 945, 946, 950, 960, 998

Alarm 910 to 916: RAM Parity Error

Alarm 920, 921, 922: Watch dog alarm or RAM parity alarm

Alarm 930: CPU Error Alarm

Alarm 941: Incorrectly installed Memory Printed Circuit Board

Alarm 945: Serial Spindle communication Error

Alarm 960: SUB-CPU Error

Alarm 950: Fuse Blown

Alarm 998: ROM Parity Error


Reader/Puncher RS232 interface alarm: Alarm 85 to 87

Check RS232 related parameter settings

Check RS232 cable